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Awad, Mohamed

Title: GM, SVP, Infrastructure Line of Business

Company: Arm


Bell, David

Title: Vice President of Utility and Microgrid Development

Company: VoltaGrid

Broeker, Mike

Title: Managing Director and President

Company: Bedford Management Partners


Canales, Justin

Title: Strategy Lead Data Center Logistics (NORAM/LATAM)

Company: Meta

Caroselli, Steve

Title: Founder, President and CEO

Company: Orion Entrance Control, Inc

Chadwick, Tim

Title: COO

Company: AlfaTech

Chakkalakal, Joel

Title: Strategic Solutions Advisor

Company: Critical Risk Solution

Cooper, Karen

Title: Mission Critical Client Leader

Company: DLR Group

Cox, Colby

Title: Managing Director - Americas

Company: DC Byte

Cummins, Wes

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Company: Applied Digital


de Bock, Peter

Title: Program Director

Company: DOE Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy

DiClaudio, Rich

Title: President and CEO

Company: Energy Innovation Center Institute Inc

Donohoo-Vallett, Paul

Title: Deputy Director, Office of Policy

Company: US Department of Energy

Duker, Jesse

Title: Business Development Leader

Company: DLR GROUP

Dunton, MBA, Amy

Title: Data Centers BDM

Company: Ameristar - ASSA ABLOY


Eagen, Matthew

Title: Data Center Operations, Team Leader

Company: Bloomberg

Egloff, Chris

Title: VP of Strategic Business Opportunities, Lithium & Hazmat

Company: Americase, LLC.

Ervin, Mara

Title: Owner

Company: Mara Jade Consulting, LLC


Gauche, Paul

Title: Deputy Director, Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office

Company: US Department of Energy

Grunloh, Timothy

Title: Principal Scientist

Company: University of Illinois

Gruver, Ryan

Title: IT Director

Company: Banner Health


Hamilton, Marc

Title: Vice President of Solutions Architecture and Engineering

Company: NVIDIA

Harris, Ken

Title: Data Center Operations, Team Leader

Company: Bloomberg

Hassel, Bill

Title: Sustainability Program Manager

Company: Turner

Howard, Alan

Title: Principal Analyst

Company: Omdia