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Brian RenerMission Critical LeaderSmithGroup

Brian Rener P.E., LEED AP, is the Director of Mission Critical Facilities and Principal Engineer at SmithGroup. With more than 30 years as an electrical engineer, he has established himself as a leader in the design and commissioning of critical electrical systems for institutional clients. He relishes opportunities to optimize systems that drive program flexibility. Brian is consistently asked to participate as a featured contributor in Consulting, Specifying Engineer magazine articles such as "How to Design Data Centers" and "What Do You Need to Know About Designing Data Centers?". Brian has also recently been published in Building Design + Construction, speaking specifically about waste heat recovery. As SmithGroup's Mission Critical Leader, Brian and his team will be advisors on one of the teams selected as part of the DoE's COOLERCHIPS industry initiative to develop high performance cooling systems, improve energy efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions in data centers.
