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Christine KingDirector for GAIN, Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in NuclearIdaho National Laboratory

Christine King is the Director of the Gateway for Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN). In her role, she oversees the management of GAIN established by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Energy in 2016 to provide the nuclear community with access to the technical, regulatory, and financial support necessary to move innovative nuclear energy technologies toward commercialization while ensuring the continued safe, reliable, and economic operation of the existing nuclear fleet. She has spent most of her career working with teams to develop strategic initiatives that allow their research to move beyond the benchtop and into the field. As the GAIN director, she will focus on ensuring that nuclear is given fair consideration in the nation's clean energy future: "Our goal is to ensure that a diverse portfolio of nuclear systems are commercially available to deliver power, hydrogen, and high process heat to support future communities." She most recently served as the operations director for an emerging venture capital firm focused on bringing private capital into the developing advanced nuclear sector to speed these disruptive technologies to market. Her knowledge and experience includes leading a nuclear division for a consulting firm, working in long term Research and Development with R&D with the Electric Power Research Institute, and working nuclear plant outages focused on steam generator reliability. She holds an MBA at Lynchburg College in Virginia, and a BS in Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University.
