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BUILD: The Community Impact: Building Data Centers in the Age of AI

Bill Kleyman  (Program Chair, AFCOM & DCW, Apolo)

Alan Howard  (Principal Analyst, Omdia)

Phill Lawson-Shanks  (Chief Innovation & Technology Officer , Aligned Data Centers)

Location: Ballroom C

Date: Thursday, April 18

Time: 10:10 am - 11:00 am

Pass Type: All Access Conference, Data Center BUILD Summit - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Data Center BUILD Summit

Vault Recording: TBD

Data centers have been around for quite some time. But over the past 12-18 months, there has been a massive shift.

New AI requirements have shifted our industry to build infrastructure more efficiently, quickly, and sustainably. Most of all, new density and power requirements have almost entirely evolved data center construction.

But how has this shift impacted local communities? As large facilities move from major metro areas and closer to our towns and cities, what are AI-ready data centers doing to be good neighbors?

In this special session, here about the major design changes in data center development and construction. And, learn how leaders are working more closely with communities to drive positive and meaningful collaboration to support a digital future.