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Transforming Big Networks: How a Network Project at AT&T's Data Center Yielded Big Cash Incentives

Geoff Overland  (IT & Telecom Services Manager, Willdan)

Danny McIalwain  (Sr. Data Center Operations Manager, AT&T)

Location: Room 202A

Date: Tuesday, April 16

Time: 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

Pass Type: AFCOM Solution Provider, All Access Conference, Industry Conference, Standard Conference - Get your pass now!

Track: Sustainability Strategies, from Power to Recycling

Session Type: Conference Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All Audiences

As AT&T continues to grow their national network, several legacy equipment projects were identified at their Tier 1 data center sites throughout the country.

This session will provide a deep dive into a single large capital project from among a national portfolio of projects. AT&T's data center in the Seattle area replaced aging equipment while delivering substantial energy savings. The existing UPSs were approaching the end of life and were operating at a much lower efficiency when compared to newer models. The local electric utility energy efficiency program was engaged to help provide a cash incentive for the project. The substantial energy savings allowed the electric utility to offer a cash incentive approaching $1,800,000.

This session will share the high-level project budget numbers, plus provide a detailed energy savings analysis provided to the utility for authorizing the program cash incentive.


  • A detailed project case study surrounding AT&T's legacy equipment
  • Impacts from the capital project
  • Detailed energy savings analysis
  • Electric utility energy efficiency program overview