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Reliability for Data Centers. What is it?

Lee McClish  (Director, Maintenance and Reliability, NTT Global Data Centers Americas)

Location: Room 202B

Date: Tuesday, April 16

Time: 11:05 am - 11:55 am

Pass Type: AFCOM Solution Provider, All Access Conference, Industry Conference, Standard Conference - Get your pass now!

Track: Design, Build, Operate, Control

Session Type: Conference Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All Audiences

Has your Data Center company made a commitment to improve the reliability of its' equipment? Does your company have a Reliability program? Why does it matter? How can Reliability replace the complacency of redundancy? Learn about one Data Center company's journey utilizing a robust CMMS program, Scopes of Service, Asset Management and Reliability tools to improve equipment availability.
Specifically: where to start, CMMS layout/usage, equipment criticality and hierarchy, FCR codes, MTBF/MTTR, FMEA, PM Optimization, written policies and procedures, RCM roadmap, Master PM schedule, Monthly Maintenance Scorecard, Inventory management and more.


  • How does Reliability apply to the Data Center industry?
  • What lessons learned from other industry's use of Reliability can help Data Centers?
  • How to adopt and optimize a CMMS to enhance your asset management.