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Data Center World Tech Talk: Digital Twins: Overcoming Performance and Sustainability Challenges Caused by GPU-based AI Systems in the Datacenter

Sherman Ikemoto  (System Sales Group Director, Cadence)

Location: Room 207B

Date: Tuesday, April 16

Time: 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

Pass Type: AFCOM Solution Provider, All Access Conference, Industry Conference, Pre-Conference Training, Standard Conference - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Tech Talk

Vault Recording: TBD

The meteoric rise of GPU computing in support of AI is driving a paradigm shift in the data center industry. In isolation, these powerful computing accelerators unlock new possibilities. However, their power, cooling, and airflow demands create new, significant data center design and operational planning challenges that threaten to undermine computing capacity or force capacity over-provisioning.

This talk explores the challenges posed by next-generation GPUs to data center performance and sustainability and how to ensure that the cost-performance gains of GPU systems are realized at the data center scale.

The presentation will feature a case study in the use of CFD-based Digital Twins in designing facilities for large-scale GPU clouds. Join us to discover how to harness the power of GPUs while maintaining efficient and eco-friendly data center operations.