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Amy PaulsonEnvironmental Manager - DC Site DevelopmentMeta

Amy brings 26+ years of experience in Environmental Project Management to her role at Meta as a Senior Environmental Manager and Subject Matter Expert for Biodiversity and Land Management. While leading environmental assessments and permitting for data centers, she developed Meta's Data Center Biodiversity Program, working with internal and external partners to maximize native habitat restoration in under-utilized campus greenspaces. Prior to Meta, Amy worked across the US and EMEA leading reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act; developing sustainability, ISO 14001 EMS, resiliency, habitat, and watershed management plans; and conducting pollution prevention analysis and environmental compliance studies. She also has experience with military installation master planning, renewable energy systems, and conflict negotiation and facilitation. Amy serves her local community as Chairperson of her City's Environmental Advisory Board, and on steering committees for the Gulf Coast Sustainability Summit and University of South Alabama. Amy holds a BS in Ecology and MS in Conservation and Sustainable Development from the University of Georgia.
