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Mike McGovern, PSP, MBAVP Secure Entry SystemsSAIMA North America

Since 2000 Mike has helped design and integrate pedestrian entrance control systems working with end users, architects, integrators and security engineer consultants. His portfolio includes hundreds of architectural security entrance systems at many of the USA’s most recognizable secure buildings and campuses. He is a recognized author on access control, entrance control, speedgates and turnstiles, having been published by many security trade journals such as Security Today, Security Products, Government Security News, and American Security Today. McGovern is an ASIS PSP® (Physical Security Professional), a member of the ASIS Security Architecture & Engineering Steering Committee, and has led presentations on various integrated security topics at security trade chapters across North America. As VP Sales- Entrance Solutions, Mike leads the strategic growth of SAIMA America’s security entrance solutions business, with a focus on data center and critical infrastructure security systems.
