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New Horizons for Efficient Power - Fit for AI Factories

Wes Cummins  (Chief Executive Officer, Applied Digital)

Pass Type: AFCOM Solution Provider, All Access Conference, Industry Conference, Standard Conference - Get your pass now!

Track: Power Sourcing & Sustainability

Session Type: Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All Audiences

In most industries, companies generate supply and then search for demand, but in the AI-driven data center landscape, demand is far outstripping supply. Chiefly, power is in short supply and developers are scrambling to find resources that are not only available, but efficient — meanwhile, accelerated compute applications wait for no one. Today, sourcing ample, available and advantageous power means changing our infrastructure deployment philosophy, and getting ready to break new ground to develop from the ground up.

AI epicenters are destined to reside where the power is, which means there are significant benefits (and first-mover advantages) waiting for organizations that are ready to get creative and venture farther afield. In this session, explore how power-rich markets are becoming the underdogs of the AI and data center story — while providing efficient, cost-effective and renewable power resources by harnessing the value of stranded power.


  • Explore how industry-wide efficiency motivators and power demands overlap and learn more about where today's forward-thinking facilities are being architected (and why)
  • Learn about how to strategically locate data centers to facilitate natural cooling and more, enhancing operational efficiency while contributing significant cost savings and sustainability results
  • Discuss how robust power pipelines can not only be sourced, but how new power sources can deliver ample resources while aligning with ESG requirements
  • Dive deep into the benefits of stranded power and renewable resources, exploring how to harness them to reduce carbon footprints and avoid the rampant power squeeze