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Disruptive Sustainability in Data Centers: From Concept to Reality

Joel Chakkalakal  (Strategic Solutions Advisor, Critical Risk Solution)

Chris Egloff  (VP of Strategic Business Opportunities, Lithium & Hazmat, Americase, LLC.)

Avir Kavla  (Director of TPM - Advanced DC Infrastrucrure, Microsoft)

Justin Canales  (Strategy Lead Data Center Logistics (NORAM/LATAM), Meta)

Pass Type: AFCOM Solution Provider, All Access Conference, Industry Conference, Standard Conference - Get your pass now!

Track: Power Sourcing & Sustainability

Session Type: Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All Audiences

This panel will go beyond highlighting individual corporate initiatives and instead challenge the industry to rethink its approach to sustainability. Real-world strategies for reducing the carbon footprint and minimizing waste, with a special focus on data center operations that consume significant amounts of packaging and resources, will be explored. The discussion will tackle the environmental impact of current practices, the challenges in meeting carbon offset and emission reduction goals, and how the industry can move toward more sustainable, circular approaches. The objective is to foster a meaningful dialogue around how data centers can lead in sustainability, set new standards for reducing waste and achieve long-term environmental goals.

This panel aims to move beyond the buzzwords and marketing slogans to address the practical challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainability in data centers. By bringing together industry experts who are not only knowledgeable, but who have also faced and overcome these challenges, this session will provide the audience with actionable insights and inspire them to drive meaningful change in their own organizations.


  • Inspire Action: Encourage the audience to take immediate, practical steps to reduce waste and improve sustainability in their operations
  • Educate the Industry: Share the expertise and insights of some of the industry's leading SME's
  • Promote Collaboration: Foster a sense of community and collaboration across the value stream, from vendors to recyclers
  • Debunk Myths: Provide factual information to dispel myths around the cost and feasibility of sustainable practices
  • Highlight Success Stories: Share real-world examples of successful sustainability initiatives to provide a roadmap for others