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Aquifer Energy Cooling: Sustainability Below the Surface

Thom Jackson  (Sr Associate, Mechanical Engineer, Dunham Associates)

Location: TBA

Pass Type: AFCOM Solution Provider, All Access Conference, Industry Conference, Standard Conference - Get your pass now!

Track: Data Center BUILD

Session Type: Session

Vault Recording: TBD

Audience Level: All Audiences

The energy of the earth's aquifers can provide a cooling technology that saves energy, uses no water, and takes very little footprint. Traditional geothermal systems can't be used for a data center's year-round cooling loads, but utilizing the moving aquifer for heat transfer can provide full cooling at a fraction of the energy usage of traditional technologies. This session will review Aquifer Geothermal Technology, its data center uses, and provide a cost comparison to traditional HVAC systems. Case study examples will show construction costs, federal rebates and energy consumption as compared to traditional systems.


  • Clear understanding of the technologies that can utilize the aquifers for data center heat transfer
  • Understand the difference between traditional geothermal and aquifer-based geothermal
  • Financial reviews of example case studies for overall ROI discussions